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Music Review

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All the King's Men (single)


Artist: Wild Beasts
Domino Records
RRP: £1.99
Available 05 October 2009

Wild Beasts are a four-piece indie rock band that originated in Kendal, England in 2002. The band's first single, 'Brave Bulging Buoyant Clairvoyants', placed 17th in a national independent record labels chart and won Steve Lamacq's Rebel Playlist on BBC 6 Music in January 2007.

Now based in Leeds the band consists of Hayden Thorpe (vocals), Ben Little (guitar), Chris Talbot, otherwise known as ‘Bert’ (drums) and Tom Fleming (bassist).

‘All The King’s Men’ is Wild Beasts new single, which is taken from their recently released second album Two Dancers.

‘All The King’s Men’ opens with a big drum beat and the deep ‘woah woah woah’ vocals before blasting into a high pitched ‘Watch me watch me!’ There is an almost tribal like feel to this track.

Then the vocals change in style and sound as if they have escaped from an '80s pop band. This is a shame as I felt their uniqueness came partly from the high-pitched vocals.

This is still an upbeat single and a fun track to listen to.


Helena Rea

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