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Everyone now has the opportunity to become a global movie star with Yoostar 2. In an instant you can step into the shoes of famous characters from hundreds of movies, play out the part and then share your performance with the world... After seeing the ads for this game I was really looking forward to playing it. I mean who wouldn't think it was cool to re-enact some of Hollywood's coolest moments from the big screen and replace the actors with you and your friends? In theory it sounds like a hoot in reality... well, the technology really isn't quite ready yet. The ads for this game show people seamlessly being inserted into movie clips... however they must have used some kind of special lighting because all I've managed to do so far is have a rather badly pixilated image of myself appear on screen with bits of my head missing - and that's if I stand absolutely still. It's way worse if I - heaven forfend - move. Then there's the problem with some of the clips chosen. Now, the idea of the game is to either read the scripted dialogue in time with the original or just make up your own words. However, should you want to follow the script a lot of the clips will have you side on to the TV screen. So you have to look out of the corner of your eye to read the script and take your cue. The result is that you're playback will have you looking in the wrong direction. Absolutely off your face on booze this might be a hoot with other inebriated friends, but sober this is bloody awful. 4 Nick Smithson |