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Music Review

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Tantrum (EP)


Artist: Longevity
RRP: £3.99
Available 11 July 2011

Los Angeles beat-maker Longevity releases his debut single 'Tantrum', a hip-hop anthem that showcases the artists love of the genre. This isn't just a single thrown together to cash in on the scene, more that it's the product of someone who has hip-hop flowing through their veins. It's catchy and contains impressive lyrics.

This EP contains four tracks: three versions of 'Tantrum' (clean version, dirty version and instrumental) as well as 'Possse Cutt'.

The clean version is obviously an edited version of the dirty version with, rather lazily scratching overlaying the words that they don't want you to hear. The dirty version is the edition you really want to hear - this is how the song was supposed to be heard. The instrumental is an interesting addition. 'Posse Cutt' is quite a good track - not quite a-side material, but not far off.

So Longevity's debut single is pretty impressive - certainly one worth checking out.


Nick Smithson

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