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With the advent of smaller, more mobile, games as well as cheaper development kits, independent games are having a bit of a renaissance. Orcs Must Die! 2 is, unsurprisingly. the follow up to Orcs Must Die! The concept is not original, being a variation on the capture the castle/tower defence game. So, you have an old concept, what are you going to do with it?
The basic game play is simple enough, Orcs pour through a tunnel intent on getting to the other end and you, as the goofy hero, have a combination of traps and weapons with which to stop them. Simple premise, enjoyably frustrating game play.
The control system is okay, with a combination of keyboard and mouse, but I bought a gamepad, which made control much better and the experience a whole lot more fun.
Each level has a certain randomness regarding difficulty, but you get a couple of goes at each, so it’s pitched pretty well, making you come back to play again. It’s nice to see independents putting out small but perfectly crafted games at a reasonable price; we await Orcs Must Die 3. 7 Charles Packer |