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A while ago, computer developer Curve did a really strange thing, they gave away a game. What was extraordinary about this generosity was that it didn’t contain adverts, there was no need to buy extra content and it was good.
You play a begoggled, stumpy little clone with one mission, to get through each level without dying, well, without dying an awful lot, because die you will. That’s pretty much the story, but in a game like this any constructed back story would just be a distraction. You see, your character, is short and a mite cute and not someone who looks like a bastard, no it’s the game which is the bastard.
Although the game does contain platforms for you to jump to, at its heart this is a puzzle game where you guide your clone through a retro feel environment. Thankfully, as the game involves a lot of dying and swearing, there are a generous amount of respawn points. Your goggles are not just for show and will change colour when your character is in danger as you navigate through the game's eighty levels.
Unlike in real life, dying in this game is good, in the sense that often puzzles are solved by a suck it and see approach. Traversing rooms successfully, more than once gains you costumes for your clone which adds a number of useful abilities that you will need to complete some of the later rooms. I do love a good puzzle game which annoys me, which might seem a little perverse, but annoying games are also challenging and this one will have you tearing your hair out.
7 Charles Packer |