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When I was growing up it was not unusual for the kids to dream of their future jobs, yes it was a time when there were real jobs out there. Flights of fancy would include astronaut, even though we didn’t have a space program. Closer to Earth kids dreamed of being firemen or even police men.
You get to play as two characters, your female half comes equipped with pepper spray and handcuffs, the male has a baton and gun, switching between the two decides how you approach and apprehend suspects, although it is noticeable how quickly the criminals comply to being arrested without much of a struggle.
You start your day at the briefing with a number of low level crimes to investigate. In a busy city it is not long before you will have to respond to emergencies as well as trying to solve your assigned task. Eagle eyed players will be able to spot a number of low level crimes going on, like drunk drivers.
The game play works fairly well, there are odd issues with getting your character or vehicle irrevocably stuck, or your characters walking sideways in an odd way, but these are minor issues and don’t spoil the overall game. Overall, it is the variety of missions which really make the game, although sometimes it feels repetitious. If you enjoy the experience then there is a pretty large world to discover, not bad for what is effectively a budget game. 7 Charles Packer Buy this item online