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Jack Keane has already appeared in his own game, which was named after him, with that success under their belts the developers have gone and coded another adventure for our British hero, imaginatively called Jack Keane 2 – The Fire Within. The format of the game is a point and click adventure with the focus very much on light-hearted humour. Jack being the kind of guy that he is, the game is full of action, there is also a love interest for our hunk.
Like all point and clicks the pleasure comes in two parts, the story and the actual puzzles. The story is one of high adventure where you find yourself in the predicament of having broken into a prison with no real plan on how to get back out. Your character is a version of Indiana Jones and the overall object is a treasure quest. The game comes with full vocal acting. For the most part it’s Ok, if a little short of actual emotion. The game mixes perspectives well, so that at points you may be controlling your character in full view, at other times you take on their visual point of view. As well as moving around and solving puzzles, there is the option to engage in fighting, an interesting mixture of gaming styles.
The first to be disposed of involves shooting a barrel which exposes a box of fireworks. The second is more irritating as you first have to throw a barrel of whiskey, change your position and then ignite the liquid with your rifle. It all feels a little like you have to just point and click everything to see what it does before you can progress. I understand why it is done this way as you dispose of the villains in ever more comical ways, but it misses the basic point of being intelligible. If I have a gun why don’t I have the option of just shooting the bad guys?
6 Charles Packer |