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Legends of Chima is an animated adventure series based on the popular LEGO toy line. The Cartoon Network show takes place in Chima, a magical land filled by tribes of anthropomorphic animals. Originally at peace with each other, a mystical energy source called Chi forces the animals to form factions in a battle to obtain more Chi... The music for Legends of Chima was written by Danish composer Anthony Lledo... Anthony Lledo's score for Legends of Chima represents an interesting collection of themes and set pieces. Personal highlights include the album's two most beautiful tracks 'Chi' and 'The Great Story'; 'Playful Tribes', which appears to pay homage to John Williams's Superman theme; and 'The Big Battle', which reminded me of Alan Silvestri's main theme from The Avengers. The album contains 13 tracks, with a running time of 32 mins. It's a score I've listened to half a dozen times now, and each time I find another segment to fall in love with. This is well worth seeking out. 8 Darren Rea Buy this item online