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You would think that Tidus had it all as a famous Blitz Ball player in his home city of Zanarkand that is until the monstrosity known as Sin raises the city to the ground and transports Tidus to an unknown location. He quickly discovers that not only is he in a different part of his planet, Spira, but he has also been transported a thousand years into the future. With his city and family gone Tidus sets out to discover the nature of Sin and stop the destruction happening all over again... Final Fantasy X is a role playing game from Square Enix, originally released on the PS2; the game has been given a HD makeover and released for the PS Vita and PS3.
The story sees Tidus gradually gathering together a band of friends, including Yuna, Ronso, Wakka, Lulu and Auron, in order to defeat Sin and these characters have their own strengths and weaknesses which have to be balanced and developed on the sphere grid.
So, what’s new? Well this is the tenth anniversary of the game's original release and apart from the bulk of the game coding the visual and audio aspects of the game have all had a good working over. It no longer looks like a PS2 port, but a good Vita game in its own right. Much of the music has been rerecorded or rearranged; the combination gives the game a very slick look, considering this originally was released in 1999.
Overall, the game remains a good one and has benefited from its makeover; it’s probably worth a revisit for those of you who have played it before and certainly worth picking up if you missed it the first time around. Unfortunately, I cannot comment on X-2 as only the first game was sent out for review. 9 Charles Packer Buy this item online