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Embark on a truly epic 3D MMORPG journey across the vast and beautiful Highlands. Customise your character with unique features. Develop and master your skills to match your own play-style whilst you build new friendships, join Clans together and compete against rivals in real-time, to defeat thousands of legendary enemies including ruthless invaders, brutal trolls and ferocious fire breathing dragons. Chat and trade items in game with other Heroes and Clan mates as you progress on your travels to protect the mythical Dal Riata from threatening dark forces. Join thousands of players online in an epic journey through a massive 3D open-world MMO of Celtic Mythology...
If you're new to MMORPG games, then this is easy to pick up and run with. Although I have to admit that on first appearance the various menus are not overly easy to navigate on the iPad. But it really only takes a quick glance over them to appreciate how simple they actually are.
There are five classes to chose from (Warrior, Mage, Druid, Ranger or Rogue) and these will define how your character's skill sets can develop. At the main menu you have five slots so you can create one character for each class and rank them up individually. In the early stages of the game you can enter the castle courtyard and engage with computer controlled traders and trainers. These can be class specific, so will only train you or sell you items that are useful to your class. This is useful as it stops you spending time and money buying items or skills that you can't equip.
If I had one slight complaint it was with the instructions for some of the quests. Now, I'm incredibly lacking in memory and spatial awareness when playing these games, so when I have a quest to undertake I like to be shepherded through it a little. For example, fairly early on I was charged with collecting some moths to feed to someone's pet... I found and captured the moths... but could I remember where on earth to return to? Nope? And the Quest page wasn't much use, it just gave me the name of the person who wanted me to complete the task. The map is marked with quests, but there were quite a few and I couldn't really remember where I had to return to.
If you're looking for an immersive game that you can lose yourself in, then Celtic Heroes is definitely worth downloading. The fact that it's free is all the reason you need to give it a try and see if it's for you. 9 Darren Rea Buy this item online