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Music Review

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Rainhill Trials


Artist: Dan Amor
Label: Recordiau Cae Cwyn Records
RRP: £13.99
Release Date: 26 May 2014

Rolling out of the mountains and valleys of North Wales comes acoustic songwriter Dan Amor, and his new album Rainhill Trials. Staying true to his roots his music provides the perfect soundtrack to life in North Wales with a knack of transporting you into a rural paradise...

Dan Amor's new album embraces his Welsh heritage. Rainhill Trials is interspersed with the language as a testament to his ideal that you don’t have to understand what’s being said to appreciate the music – the melodies, the rhythm and all its embellishments provide meaning of their own.

Throughout this album I heard the faint inspiration of Belle and Sebastian, Nick Drake and The Beatles (most notably on 'Sister Anne').

Of this album's 11 tracks (36 min, 58 min) 'Y Gwent' is probably the most mainstream indie track - and was certainly the one I warmed to the most.

It's an interesting album and certainly one worth checking out. There's indie offerings, folk songs and some instrumental tracks; there's bound to be something to take your fancy.


Nick Smithson