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If we are being honest games aimed at a younger audience tend not to be very good, presumably because the gamers themselves are not particularly discerning. This is, generally, not the case with LEGO games which have gone from strength to strength and appeared across many consoles and genres.
The latest game has all the elements one would expect to see. The plot is comedic, although if you’re not a fan of the show some of the jokes will go straight over your head. You progress through the narrative by solving problems. Different characters will have different attributes, whether it is the ability to create a whirlwind or use a sword and through these abilities you are able to defeat enemies, open switches and in combination with another ninja, hang off ropes to open doors.
This will involve a lot of fighting and puzzle solving. Like previous LEGO games, along the way you can gather ‘studs’ which unlock bricks, collect the bricks and you unlock further options and characters. The game is designed to be played through twice, first to open up characters with more abilities so that you can play the game through the second time opening up all the secret areas which were denied to you the first go round.
LEGO have hit on a successful formula for games which are both suitable for the 7+ age range as well as being entertaining for adults. It’s true that unless you have seen the show some of the comedic nuances will pass you by. It’s not like Ninjago is as well known as their Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Marvel or Lord of the Rings franchises, but the underlying game remains as much fun to play as its better known cousins, what it lacks in game play innovation it makes up with playing pleasure. 8 Charles Packer Buy this item online