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You know sometimes you get an idea which, on paper, seems so wrong and yet through some happenstance or a large injection of lunacy the actual end result just works, well that would be a good description of Rocket League for the PS4. I kid you not, it’s football with cars.
Although you start with your basic car, the game allows a high level of customisation; apparently ten billion combinations are available. I’ll have to take the developers word for that, but you can change pretty much any visual aspect of the car, from the colour of the smoke, billowing out the back to wheels, the paint job and general car furniture, which start as a modest flag progressing to more esoteric items.
Up to four players can be in a match at any one time and getting a game was easy. It’s difficult to describe the level of amusing mayhem which will then ensue, with cars crashing about the place, flipping and jumping in an effort to score that elusive goal. There is a single player mode, which is useful for practice, but the AI is too conservative compared to some of the loons you’re going to meet in a real match. Overall, a great game, all the fluffy tosh which may have gotten in the way of playing the game has been stripped away to leave a fast, furious highly enjoyable example of fun and addictive game play. 9 Charles Packer Buy this item online