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Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson is a 3D side scrolling fan service game, firmly aimed at teenage boys, for the 3DS. The plot involves a bunch of pneumatically endowed shinobi who are studying at Hanzo School. They hatch a plan to invade the Hebijo School, who have stolen a powerful magic scroll. On each side the girls fight and practice to become stronger, more efficient fighters.
Essentially, the game is a linear beat-em-up. Each level does have a few branches to explore for power ups, but much of your time is spent ploughing through minion to reach the boss battle at the end of the level.
In the dressing room you can choose to alter the look of your character depending on what you have succeeded in unlocking. You can manage your saves in the records room and review various movies, pictures, stats and music in the records room. There are a number of sound and visual settings to play with and, lastly, the online feature lets you play either with someone in the same room or across the world.
Overall, the game looks good, even though a lot of the backgrounds get repeated. Character design and movement are good. Bewbs aside, the thing which lets the game down is the variable quality of the opponents. Minion seem to mostly stand around letting you swing your sword, shredding their clothes, whereas many of the boss fights are inversely difficult, making for an uneven playing experience. It’s not bad, but it could have been better. 7 Charles Packer Buy this item online