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In Corpse Party: Blood Drive for the PS Vita, you play Ayumi, a young Japanese schoolgirl. The game follows on from the Corpse Party: Book of Shadows game and is the concluding game in the Heavenly Host Elementary School Saga.
To be fair to the game, this is more akin to an interactive novel with some top down 3D RPG elements used as a link. A lot of your time is going to be spent scrolling through screens of text with little or no ability to interact with your character. Occasionally you can see some movement going on in the background, but a lot of time is spend reading text against a static background and the only thing which changes is the character who is currently speaking. All of the speech is in Japanese, hence the subtitles, and you have little to do except hit the X button for the next set of text.
Despite the cute looking characters, the game goes all out to create real tension, if not actual horror. Inference is used on many occasions, effectively throwing the player back on their own imagination. This relies heavily on the very effective audio track and screaming actors and the Darkening, which is a system by which your character, if full, goes extremely mad. This is mitigated by various objects which can be found throughout the game. The RPG element also holds various objects, holes, piano wire, which can sap your HP, but there are also bandages to discover which can replenish you. As you wander the dark corridors you have to be sure to keep your eye out for batteries. Your torch, like your running, has a bar which deletes the more you use it.
If you can buy into the characters, the plot is well written, a lot like Silent Hill, going more for creeping you out, than anything else. Plus, even though it is part of an on-going franchise the game works well as a standalone. 6 Charles Packer Buy this item online