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The all-new, real-time, fully 3D action-oriented adventure game Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations follows everyone's favourite characters from Cartoon Network's Adventure Time. Play as Finn (with Jake at your side) and be immersed in the Land of Ooo, talk to new and familiar inhabitants, battle evildoers, and unravel mind-bending puzzles in five playable chapters... For young fans of Adventure Time, Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations will be warmly welcomed. It's a 3D action adventure game that sees you play as Finn as you try to unravel several mysterious events. Interact with other characters and objects to solve the various puzzles.
Each chapter of the game opens up more of the Adventure Time universe, allowing players to visit key locations from the TV show. From the Candy Kingdom to the Ice Kingdom and Wizard City to Maja’s Forest, they are all there in gorgeous 3D. In addition there are secret unlockable bonus locations scattered throughout the game (including spooky forests and subterranean dungeons). The game play is fairly straightforward (this is a game for young children, after all). You must walk around the environment interacting with objects and characters. Every now and then you'll need to use objects you've found in the environment, Finn's sword (to off the baddies) or Jake's special abilities (to reach hard to get to areas or help beat up baddies). C Some of the puzzles are a little weird in their logic. For example, in the first level you have to prove that Abracadaniel is innocent. When you investigate the scene of the crime one of the Banana Guards gives you a pass to the kitchen. However that pass is for the guard inside the kitchen, it won't let you past the guard that is guarding the entrance to the kitchen. To do that you have to get Princess Bubblegum to tell you that you can enter the kitchen. How do you do that? Well, oddly enough by telling her you've solved the case... when you obviously haven't (although you must have examined all of the objects in the room with the spilled jellybeans). She then runs through what happened and the Banana Guard outside the kitchen vanishes. Overall, it's a fun and pretty looking game. Fans of the show will love the chance to get to play as their favourite characters and explore the Kingdoms. And even if you've only a passing familiarity with the show, there's enough here to get you hooked pretty quickly. 8 Nick Smithson Buy this item online