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The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Extended Edition, on the PS4, from NeocoreGames is an action adventure role playing game with the gamer taking on the persona of Van Helsing, a renowned vampire and demon killer. The game has you running and shooting through some imaginatively created dungeon levels hacking slashing and shooting your way to the final victory through demons and cyberpunk machines. You are aided in this venture by your ghostly companion, Katerina, who can be tasked with various actions during combat. The overall campaign should take you about twelve hours.
The basic mechanics will be familiar to anyone who has played this sort of game. Progress allows you to gain experience which levels up your character. Exploration and defeating enemies gains you access to better gear, so there is some grinding involved if you want the best and strongest stuff. Walking around highlights objects that you can interact with from small chests and barrels, always worth a look, to machinery, like elevators which you use to travel between levels of the game. If you die the game gives you a choice about where to respawn, the nearer to your current location the more of your in-game currency you’re going to spend, no currency and you are placed back at the beginning of a level. There are many occasions where you are mobbed with opponents, and once this happens it is difficult to get your character either out of the situation or have him survive. You can try running through levels, but as Van Helsing only travels at one speed, and it feels like a lot of the enemies are faster, this is often a costly option. As the game progresses this desire to mob the character can be a little frustratingly repetitive and Katerina seems to not be the most useful of characters, even becoming a distraction during combat with her incessant request for potions. Well, if she were more useful I may have considered it but, as she appears to have nominal effect on the game, she can forget it.
Multiplayer allows you to create or join a game, unfortunately, at the time of writing this could not be tested as there were no games available. You have the usual number of options over what is displayed on the screen as well as alterations involving the audio, video and controls, only the vibration strength can be altered the rest is an outlay of the controls of your gamepad. Although it gives a solid dungeon experience, this came with many plus’s and minus’s. On the plus side, the vocal acting is very good and the score is evocative. The environments are well executed, but the game struggles to get away from the fact that this appeared four years ago on the PC and XBox, only now appearing on the PS4.
The game does come off strong in customisation, whether it is crafting new weapons or determining points on the character progression tree, you should end up with a hunter which will feel uniquely your own. If you’re looking for another Diablo type experience then this is a good game, given it limitations. 6 Charles Packer Buy this item online