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Composer Ruth Lomon releases her debut album, Shadowing, through Navona Records. The release showcases her skill in writing for the piano, pushing the instrument’s timbre and colour to its limits to create animated sound worlds... I'm afraid I'm a bit of a stick in the mud when it comes to classical music. If it doesn't touch my soul or lift my spirit then I will probably shy away from it. Unlike jazz, I don't enjoy classical music when it appears improvised, or the composer is experimenting with the genre and creating a seemingly unstructured and unmelodic sound. That's not to say it doesn't have its place, it's just not an area of music that I feel comfortable with. To the outsider it can, on occasion, sound like school children messing about with the instruments on their first music lesson ('Five Ceremonial Masks - III. Spirit' being the most obvious example). Those who like their classical music a little more modern with a hint of improvisation will enjoy this. Those that prefer the conventional structures to be obeyed may not get on with this at all. The album contains 17 tracks (1 hr, 06 min, 51 sec) and while it's certainly an album of interest, it's one that will divide listeners right down the middle. 6 Darren Rea Buy this item online