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Soundtrack Review

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My Entire High School Sinking into the Sea
Original Motion Picture Soundtrack


Composer: Rani Sharone
Label: Lakeshore Records
RRP: £13.99
Release Date: 14 April 2017

Rani Sharone's score for My Entire High School Sinking into the Sea is released through Lakeshore Records. Dash and his best friend Assaf are preparing for another year at Tides High School muckraking on behalf of the school newspaper, edited by their friend Verti. But when they learn of the administration’s cover-up that puts all the students in danger the friends race to escape through the roof of the school. The movie also features a post-apocalyptic cult formed by jocks, video game homages, and an infectious synth soundtrack...

The score for My Entire High School Sinking into the Sea plays out over 31 tracks (56 min, 37 sec). For the most part, it's a bit of fluffy nonsense - an interesting synth score, but nothing that memorable. There's the odd track of passing interest, but on balance there's very little here to get too excited about.

This is a score that's best left in the movie, it just doesn't have enough weight to be released as a soundtrack in its own right. That said, if you're a fan of the film, and enjoyed the score, then you'll relish the fact that you can now listen to it in isolation.

While personally it did little for me, I'm glad that Lakeshore Records are unearthing these scores with minority appeal - because every now and then they do release album's of note that you would otherwise miss.


Darren Rea

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