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Classical Music Review

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Woefully Arrayed
Sacred & Secular Choral & Polychoral Works


Composer: Jonathan David Little
Label: Navona Records
RRP: £13.99
Release Date: 14 July 2017

Navona Records showcases sacred and secular choral works by composer Jonathan David Little. Little’s work has been described as “a music redolent of the past and the future.” His modern interpretations of Renaissance and Baroque techniques of composition - such as modal harmonies and isorhythm - form the basis of his musical voice. The sound is strikingly contemporary, yet also intertwined with choral traditions of the past...

Fans of choral music are in for a huge treat with this collection Jonathan David Little's work. Woefully Arrayed: Sacred & Secular Choral & Polychoral Works contains 6 works (1 hr, 09 min, 50 sec).

Several of these beautiful and moving settings of profound and poignant texts feature intricate “polychoral” techniques: multi-part, multi-divisi, solo, echo and spatial effects. Many of Little’s choral works are designed to be performed cori spezzati - a technique with which different sections of the choir are arranged above and around the audience, adding another dimension to the listening experience.

Woefully Arrayed opens and closes with the same piece - 'Woefully Arrayed', which beautifully bookends the album. This is a truly sensory rich album. You won't regret adding this to your collection.

Track listing:

Sacred Works

attrib. to John Skelton
01 - Woefully Arrayed, Op.13
Vox Futura | Andrew Shenton (conductor); Noel Smith (director), Heinrich Christensen (organ)

02 - Kyrie, Op.5 (from Missa Temporis Perditi)
Thomas Tallis Society Choir | Philip Simms (conductor)

03 - Gloria, Op.18 (from Missa Temporis Perditi)
Vox Futura | Andrew Shenton (conductor), Noel Smith (director)

Secular Works

Lord de Tabley
04 - Wasted and Worn, Op.6
The Stanbery Singers | Paul John Stanbery (conductor)

05 - That Time of Year, Op.2
The Stanbery Singers | Paul John Stanbery (conductor)

06 - Woefully Arrayed, Op.13 Reprise – abridged version
Vox Futura | Andrew Shenton (conductor), Noel Smith (director), Heinrich Christensen (organ).


Darren Rea

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