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Create your own adventures in a dangerous land of monsters, treasures and traps. From renowned authors Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone (co-founders of Games Workshop) and Nomad Games, Fighting Fantasy Legends is a role-playing card game set in the world of Fighting Fantasy. Travel across the land of Allansia with just a sword and some gold to your name and rise up to Legendary status...
If I'm being honest, though, I wasn't overly impressed with the repetitive nature of the game nor the relative ease in which each of the main quests could be completed. You have to visit different towns that are dotted around the map and complete each quest (to kill a boss). Along the way you'll need to find certain items, which means exploring every room and corridor. More often than not you'll encounter a creature that will attack you for no reason, or you'll set off a trap, and this will lead you lose stamina. When you're stamina reaches zero you will be transported outside the walls of the city and have to try again (keeping any of the items you found).
The game is based on three stories from the original gamebooks: City of Thieves, The Warlock of Firetop Mountain and The Citadel of Chaos. You have two style of dice. First is your skill and then you have your luck dice. If you are confronted with a battle you must throw your skill dice and for each one that shows a mark, one point will be knocked off your enemies stamina. They then throw their dice and any showing marks are deducted from your stamina. This goes on until one of you runs out of stamina.
Some of the rooms have games that you can play, and if you remember the books you'll be pleased to hear you can play Runestones, Knifey Knifey and Dwarf Dice. Overall, I did enjoy it, but I thought it could have been a little more polished. A little more story and slightly harder bosses wouldn't have gone amiss. It's a game that can be easily finished. But it did bring back a lot of nostalgia, to the point where I'm seriously considering downloading one of the digital versions of the books to see if they are as much fun as I remember. 7 Darren Rea |