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Even the best of younger brothers can get irritating, playing with all your stuff, messing in your room. So, when Max comes home and finds Felix in his room he loses it and searches online for how to get rid of him for good. When Max speaks aloud the enchantment he finds, a monster’s hand reaches through a portal and drags him away. In a fit of guilt Max chases after them into a hostile world... Max: The Curse of Brotherhood, is a single player puzzle platform game, developed by Press Play, which has now been released for the Switch. Even though the game was originally released in 2013 this remains a very decent port.
Although the game is mainly a platformer, it does come with a twist in the shape of the magic marker which Max acquires. The marker can be used to create objects which allow Max to progress, from rope to tree branches, as well as rising and dropping platforms. As you progress through the levels the marker continues to extend its abilities, which leads to some interesting puzzles. Later, in the game, the assorted options from the marker must be combined together to traverse the levels. The idea of the magic marker is a good one, but its execution is not as exact as it needs to be. The marker works best when using the Switch in the dock, it becomes more inaccurate as a handheld.
Overall, it’s a good port which still looks great on the Switch and if you can come to terms with the control issues this remains a challenging puzzle game. 7 Charles Packer Buy this item online