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Fantasy role playing games (RPG) continue to hold the attention of great swathes of the gaming community, myself included. A good game will eat up potentially hundreds of hours of your time, but the balance of elements must be right to make the experience rewarding and entertaining.
Both present you with an isometric open world to explore and both utilise turn-based battles for the encounters. The game supports cross play, so you transfer your saves between the PS4, PS3 and PS Vita making it an ideal game to play at home or on the go. There is no online multiplayer support. The game is built on the same engine as Rainbow Moon, hence the similarities between the games, but Skies presents a whole new world with new characters. You start the game as Damion, a cocky young man who lives above the clouds, this portion of the story serves as a tutorial, as he quickly falls to earth with his friend Layne and they find themselves caught in a war between two superpowers. As the game progresses you add more people to your party. In truth the plot and characterisations are weak, well not so much weak as derivative of other tropes in the RGP market. The script can be somewhat lengthy, luckily you can skip most of these, so it’s difficult to care about the characters.
Fighting also gains you points to level the character but compared to other games this is a very slow process. Win a fight and you will be rewarded with Rainbow Coins, the game's main currency, as well as the possibility of Skill Stones which are used to level up the character attributes. As you pass a level more attributes become available, but even this process felt time consuming. You can purchase arms and armour for the characters which can also be levelled up using materials. Find a blacksmith and he will imbue your arms and armour making them stronger.
The game has many towns which will hold item vendors, blacksmiths, possibly a tavern and any number of interesting shops. Later, in the game you can even purchase boats and airships, making travel and access to remote parts of the map easier. To help you navigate there is a map, which becomes essential as the world view is quite tightly packed around your characters. The map can zoom out to give you an overview of the entire world or dungeons should you find yourself in one. The game has a day and night cycle as some of the monsters only come out at night.
Overall it was a good, but not great RPG, more time should have been spent on more engaging narrative and characters. 6 Charles Packer Buy this item online