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At a time of incredible technological advancements, the majority of human population has failed to adapt to the new rules of the world. In the hope of aiding humanity, the veteran of science and technology, Dr. Bill Feynman, created a genetic spraying agent to change the genetic structure of human beings, making everyone's IQ equal. Spread throughout the world by wind towers, the Gene Rain proved fatal to many and kicked off the fight between those in support of the Gene Rain and those rebelling against it and the new order... Sounds exciting, doesn't it? First impressions, and all that... Gene Rain does not conduct itself in a manner that can be called appealing. When you consider how many individuals must have been involved in the production of this 3PS, you'd think someone would have pointed out that the English language dub (the game is Chinese in origin) was appalling. So straight away, at the back of your mind, you're resigned to the thought that if the voiceover's have been so crudely thrown together, what is the actual game going to be like?
It borrows so much from greater games that have come before, without adding anything new or interesting to keep you playing. It just feels like a watered down offering, which is a shame because I can see that the original design: the artistic look and feel of the game's world, has had a lot of creative talent poured into it. Sadly, those responsible for taking that and transforming it into an immersive, fun game have failed miserably. 4 Nick Smithson Buy this item online