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Classical and baroque guitarist Robert Nathanson and soprano Nancy King, performing as Duo Soreño, release their new album, Waking the Sparrow, through Ravello Records. King and Nathanson have worked together for twenty-years, exploring the grandeur of the human voice blended with the vibrancy of the guitar. Here they Interpret the work of five notable modern composers who were, in turn, inspired by the words of poets throughout the ages... Waking the Sparrows is going to be an album you fall in love with or really don't get. Stylistically this is a flawless album. The production is impressive and King and Nathanson's performances are captivating. But - and for some this will be a big "but" - some of the tracks are just not melodic, being a little too avant-garde. This would be fine if the entire album were like this, but there are also several incredibly moving pieces too. It opens with the beautiful 'Out of Darkness into Light' by William Neil. This is probably the one track that really showcases King's incredible vocal range to its full. 'Waitin' is another beautiful song, and it's quite clear to see that, given the right situation, King's voice has the ability move you to tears. Personally, I enjoyed the conventionally melodic tracks and took quite some time to get my head around the rest. While interesting, they can be a little distracting, not to mention a tad grating, if this isn't your thing. Track listing: William Neil Andrew York Jing Jing Luo William Bolcom David Kechley 7 Darren Rea Buy this item online