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Navona Records release three works by Carl Vollrath, on Souls in Transitions. This release moves through waves of contemplation on life, history, and the evolution of spirituality through the performances of violin, cello, and piano by acclaimed pianist Karolina Rojahn... This eight track album (56 min, 28 sec) of music by Carl Vollrath (Warrior Monks) opens with the two-part 'The Secrets of the Magdalenian Caves'. This wasn't its original inspiration, however. It was a colleague of Vollrath's at Troy University that observed that it reminded him of images he had seen of ancient Peruvian cave paintings. The three-part 'Tombs of Ancient Times' is inspired by the ancient Egyptian ritual of bringing food to tombs to give meals to the deceased on their journey to the afterlife, with the idea being that the dead are not really gone but rather are in another place. And the three-part 'Buddha of the Future' examines the Buddhist faith, reflecting on its extensive history and considering how religion evolves just as man does. These three pieces work wonderfully together to deliver a memorable and engaging album. The interplay between piano, cello and violin is wonderfully constructed and expertly executed. 8 Darren Rea Buy this item online