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Peaky Blinders: Mastermind, the first game to be based on the award-winning TV series, is a puzzle-adventure, developed by independent studio FuturLab. Taking place immediately before the events of the show’s first season, players join the Shelby family's criminal organisation as they discover a sinister plot to put Tommy out of business. Players must plan and enact strategies by taking direct control of key members of the Shelby family simultaneously over the same timeline, moving characters into position at exactly the right moment in order to navigate challenging scenarios...
Help Tommy Shelby to rise to the position of leader of the Peaky Blinders in early 20th century Birmingham by using his prowess for planning to set up complex scenarios Control Tommy, Arthur, Polly and more on the ground as they pull off mission after mission. Even if you've never seen an episode of Peaky Blinders there's much to enjoy here. Set before the first season of the show, you don't really need to know anything about the characters, as it's the puzzles that take centre stage here. Of course if you already familiar with the characters then obviously you're going to get a lot more enjoyment.
The game allows you to switch between various characters, as well as rewind time. This lets you enable two-character actions to progress further. So, for example, you can use one character to pull a lever that opens a door, rewind time and use another character to go through the door. Each character has their own ability. So, for example, Tommy Shelby can persuade otherwise non playable characters to perform tasks (you then take control of them for a very short period of time); Ada can distract guards; Arthur can kick down weakened doors; and Finn can get to other parts of the map using crawl spaces that are too small for other characters.
Overall, this is a fun and well designed puzzle based game, however there only appears to be 10 levels (and I blazed through the first 5 in an afternoon) so longevity could be an issue. Also, once finished it's highly unlikely you'll return to it in the near future as when you've cracked the puzzles there's no real incentive to go back and try to complete them again. 7 Darren Rea Buy this item online