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Hotshot Racing is an arcade-style racing game fusing drift handling, retro visuals and a sense of speed to create an exhilarating driving experience. 16 racing circuits provide the twists, turns and straights conducive to searingly quick racing. Take in coastal, jungle, alpine and Las Vegas desert environments, with each course modelled with the most vivid colours and blue skies for miles...
Recently I've been playing a lot of homemade games produced in Dreams, and my first impression of Hotshot Racing was that it was a slightly polished version of some of the racing games I've played for free on Dreams. The customisational aspects (you can unlock and change the look of your car and your driver's outfit) aren't all that interesting and I ended up, for the most part, sticking with the default choices. I played the offline main tournament game and managed to rank first place on easy mode on my second play through. It is important that you chose the right driver and car as speed isn't always the best way to go. It's very much dependant on your own driving style as to which car will work best for you. When racing you can drift around corners, which fills up your boost bar to give you a quick injection of speed when you most need it.
There are a number of other modes. While 'Time Trial' and 'Grand Prix' modes cater to those who like to compete in classic racing formats, while ‘Cops and Robbers’ and ‘Drive or Explode’ modes offer new ways to play. Each mode is available in single-player, four-player split-screen and eight-player online, while 'Time Trial' is single-player only. For 'Cops and Robbers' you start the race as either a cop or a robber. As a cop you have to bash into the robbers and stop them. As a robber you have to get away from the cops. Once a Robber's health is depleted, that player becomes a cop and has to stop the remaining robbers.
Online, with friends and other gamers, is where you'll get the most fun out of Hotshot Racing. Overall it's an easy game to quickly pick up and play. But, it may be a little simple and retro looking for many. 6 Nick Smithson Buy this item online