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Book Review

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The Adventures of Hillary the Little Ladybug
Hide and Seek


Author: William Dandurand
Publisher: Jongleur Books
70 pages
ISBN: 9798 32715 256 4
Publication Date: 07 June 2024

In this latest installment in the Hillary the Little Ladybug series, young readers get to follow along as precocious ladybug Hillary and her good friend Tiny Tim embark on a whirlwind adventure that will test their courage and strength. The two friends fly to the snowcapped Ladybug Mountains and come face to face with unusual, furry white creatures. The surprising encounter is frightening at first, particularly for Tiny Tim. Snowflake and his family are vastly different from Hillary and Tiny Tim, and yet, the snow monsters welcome the ladybugs with open arms, and then the fun begins...

The Adventures of Hillary the Little Ladybug: Hide and Seek is a new entry in the The Adventures of Hillary the Little Ladybug series of books for young readers. Whilst the story will no doubt capture the imagination of its target audience, adults reading it might find it a little below par.

On a technical point, there is much mixing of past and present tenses and the characters "laugh" when talking to each other a little too often. These really are elements that should have been avoided, but doesn't really detract from what is a fairly enjoyable read for youngsters.

While it's not overly original, the syntax is questionable and the "illustrations" appear to mix stock photograph backgrounds with basic computer drawings, fans of the series will no doubt enjoy this.


Nick Smithson

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