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Soundtrack Review

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Emerald Night
Original Video Game Soundtrack


Composer: Timothy Fehling
Label: Timothy Fehling
RRP: £13.99
Release Date: 07 January 2025

Emerald Night is a retro synth video game album in the style of Synthwave and Chiptune. It contains 19 tracks (35 min, 12 sec) by composer Timothy Fehling.

Fehling does an excellent job of bringing retro gaming scores kick and screaming into the present day. Tracks like 'I Think We're Dead' and 'Goodbye Friend', have a beautiful, melancholic core that are hard not to instantly fall in love with. And tracks like 'Zooboos Lullaby' have an almost hypnotic quality.

Meanwhile, pieces like 'Grandpa Wilgarbee' will set gamers of a certain age on a wonderful trip down memory lane.

I was mostly impressed with just how diverse Fehling's music was here. For such a relatively short score, he crams in a hell of a lot of quality material.

Whilst this may not be to everyone's taste - retro synth scores can turn some people off - I really enjoyed the depth and wonderful foundation that the themes grow out of.

It's certainly worth your time discovering this gem of a score.


Darren Rea

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