If you've ever wondered what it's like to attend a live
recording of I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue, the antidote
to panel games, now is your chance to discover how much fun
they are, as the BBC releases a double CD compilation of some
of the show's full recordings...
be honest I don't wonder "what it's like to attend a
live recording of I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue".
Not because I don't enjoy the series, but because I actually
went to a double recording some years ago. In fact I have
to say that if you only go to see one radio show being recorded
it should be I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue. While the
30 minute radio show is extremely funny, the live recordings
are at least twice as enjoyable.
Sorry I Haven't a Clue Live contains
four extended editions of the programme, from 1995 and 1996.
Humphrey Lyttelton and the team setting up before and after
a recording, catch the jokes intended only for the theatre
audiences, listen to Barry and Graeme as 'Alec & Denzil',
early ancestors of their much-loved Hamish & Dougal creations,
and thrill to Jeremy Hardy's first ever attempt at singing
on the programme.
I'm not entirely sure whether this compilation does what it
claims to do on the packet. There's very little material from
before or after each recording - which is a crying shame.
What you do get though is a lot of material that would have
otherwise been left on the cutting room floor to ensure that
the shows fitted their 30 minute time slot. To be honest there
is not a whole lot of behind the scenes material - in fact
the third episode didn't have any material after the show
I loved the unintentional "website" mistake. Here
the script mentioned a "websit" which Humphrey Lyttelton
pronounced as the script outlined. It was something of a surprise
to learn that this was not an intention gag (as it appeared).
In fact the panellists were also surprised that this wasn't
intentional too - and tried to keep it in as it was much funnier.
Whether they did or not we are never told.
show's producer, Jon Naismith, introduces each programme and
reminds us of a few topical issues from the time of the recordings,
which allow us to appreciate some of the jokes. And,
of course, there are a couple of rounds of Mornington Cresent
- possibly the world's longest running in-joke. Naismith also
tells us a few little nuggets about the stars too - especially
the late, great, Willie Rushton and Tim Brooke-Taylor.
you are a die-hard fan of I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue,
or have never heard of the show before, this is a must own
collection. Proof that old comics were (and indeed still are)
much funnier than the majority of acts around today.
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All prices correct at time of going to press.