It's 430 BCE, and Greece is in turmoil. Athens is at war
with Sparta, Athenian women are being possessed by a horrifying
cult... and then Bernice Summerfield strolls into town. She's
on a mission to save the Braxiatel Collection, millennia in
the future, but she's mislaid her husband, last seen skinny-dipping
somewhere near Delphi. Benny needs help, and it comes in the
shape of a talkative bloke called Socrates. Together they
must find Jason, survive the fate awaiting Athens and ensure
that the future is saved. But divine powers are at work in
ancient Greece, powers the archaeological record neglected
to mention...
If you're a fan of the Doctor Who story Four
to Doomsday (there must be some of you out
there), then this could be the Bernice Summerfield adventure
for you! There aren't any Urbankans, but this audio drama
boasts not only a bunch of Athenians but also Paul Shelley,
who played Persuasion in that serial. And good fun he is too,
as the slightly perplexed but nevertheless helpful philosopher
Indeed, there's a great deal of fun to be had throughout this
story. Writer Scott Handcock (his very name inviting schoolboy
sniggers) throws in numerous examples of Up Pompeii!-style
double entendres and sexual humour, such as a discussion of
a woman's ever-expanding cult. And I nearly spilled my drink
when I heard the alias that Bernice (Lisa Bowerman) adopts
when she disguises herself as a man. Her poor grasp of Latin
is also a source of some amusement, in an 'Allo 'Allo!/"Good
moaning" kind of way.
However, Handcock reminds us of serious considerations too.
Like Pompeii, Athens is soon to be devastated by a tragic
catastrophe. Meanwhile, back home on the Collection, war is
looming. This story picks up right where the previous one,
of Love left off, with Benny and Jason (Stephen
Fewell) dispatched on a mission back in time, and it appears
to lead directly into the next one, The Empire State.
It's worth being persuaded to purchase this CD. Persuaded,
you see? Persuasion? Paul Shelley? Oh, please yourselves!

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