The Man of Steel continues his quest for truth and justice
in Superman Returns. Discover the concept and development
art that brought Superman's newest adventure to the silver
screen. Stunning photographs, illustrations, scale-models,
storyboards, and full-colour paintings, as well as interviews
with the director, screenwriters, and production and costume
designers explore the artistic evolution of the film...
movie souvenir books go, they don't come much better than
The Art of Superman Returns. This coffee table edition
is packed to bursting (and I do mean bursting) with some fantastic
images of the sets, models, costumes and other behind the
scenes artwork that you never thought you'd ever need to know
you get is page after page of artwork, images from the film,
photos of the models and tons of other imagery that, no matter
how small, went into making this movie possible. The text
is kept to the bare minimum (this is an "art" book
after all) but is packed with interesting information.
only moan (and this is really anal) is to do with the dust
jacket. This has been printed exclusively for the UK market
(there is only a price in sterling printed on it), So why
does Titan insist on spelling "colour" the American
way. I know that some American's likes to think that they
rule the entire galaxy, but the language is called "English"
- the clue is in the title. Now, while I appreciate that we
have to put up with American spellings for books that are
published in the USA, to have a separate UK dust jacket that
still Americanises the spellings really winds me up. Ah....
and relax! Moan over.
you enjoyed Superman Returns, and want to own a beautifully
present piece of art that chronicles everything you've ever
wanted to know about the movie's conception (and then some),
you should rush out and buy this. This is not just a behind-the-scenes
look at a blockbuster movie - it's also a work of art.

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