The heroic Autobots! The evil Decepticons! Caught up in an
endless conflict that threatens to consume the Earth, this
is the Transformers as you've never seen them before. What
do robots dream of? The answer lies in the minds of several
Autobots, including Prowl and Silverbolt... and in their mysterious
manipulator. And go from one "big sleep" to another,
as Nightbeat stars in a hard-boiled homage to Raymond Chandler...
to Dream is Titan's fifth collection of black and white
reprints to be culled together from Marvel UK's later output
from 1989/1990, by which time the Transformers title
had long since passed it's peak.
Simon Furman tries to inject a dose of humour into the brisk,
bland strips but the result is a collection of decidedly lightweight
material (the first instalment is literally a car chase stretched
out to five pages!) which really isn't going to stimulate
the mind of any reader over the age of seven.
It's been asked before exactly which target audience Titan
are trying to capture with these frankly odd uninspired reprints
of the later and much weaker Transformers material,
but with a new movie in development for 2007 (reportedly with
Tom X-Men Desanto on board as producer, and Steven
Spielberg as executive producer), perhaps Titan are shrewder
than we think...
now though, the comic strips collected here didn't exactly
set the world on fire on their first release, and couldn't
be any more irrelevant fifteen years on.

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