Y: The Last Man
Book 7 - Paper Dolls

Author: Brian K. Vaughan
Artists: Pia Guerra and Goran Sudzuka
Titan Books
RRP £9.99
ISBN 1 84576 241 X
Available 23 June 2006

Yorick Brown, the last man on Earth, has finally reached the country where his fiancée Beth has been stranded since the male-killing plague struck more than three years ago. Unfortunately, the visit is just a stopover - the trail that has led Yorick and his companions (government operative Agent 355 and biochemist Dr. Allison Mann) to the shores of Australia continues on to Japan, where Yorick's pet monkey Ampersand - the only other male mammal to survive the plague, and the possible key to its cure - has been taken. B
efore pursuing Ampersand north, however, Yorick has a brief window of time to find Beth in the remains of Sydney. But his search also provides a chance at the story of a lifetime for one muckraking journalist - a story whose consequences may be graver than anyone could guess...

Paper Dolls is the seventh collection in the Y: The Last Man series of graphic novels. In this volume the main narrative doesn't move ahead that much. The two main threads see Yorick and Co. trying to avoid a photojournalist who is on to them, and Hero and Beth - the other Beth that seduced Yorick, not his fiancée - have to escape from a group of religious nuts who believe that Beth's child is the second coming. In this collection we are treated to a number of back stories that help to piece together some of the characters histories.

We get to see a little of 355's past here as it details her time growing up and being enlisted into the organisation. It also explains how Yorick originally adopted Ampersand, and there is a hint of an explanation as to why the two of them were immune to the plague.

There are some great edge-of-your-seat moments too. There was one chilling moment in this collection, with Agent 355 and the journalist, where I thought things were about to take a dramatic change... for the worse. And the panels where Beth and Hero are attempting to escape from the crazy nun and her followers is nail biting stuff.

If you've been following this series then you won't need any recommendations from me. This is another worthy addition to the collection.

Darren Rea

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