Ed and Al leave to search for Doctor Marcoh, a State Alchemist
who deserted during the Eastern Rebellion. On the run from
both Scar and the military, Doctor Marcoh confesses to the
Elrics. A decade ago, State Alchemists were called into Ishbal
to end a seven-year civil war. What followed was a wave of
unspeakable atrocities that neither the Ishbalans, nor the
State Alchemists who committed them, can forget...
Fall of Ishbal contains
another four episodes of this classic anime series.
Metal Vs Flame sees Ed take on the state alchemist Flame
in a perilous battle of wits and skill in the annual Alchemy
Assessment. Ed is still not having much success with his search
for the Philosopher's Stone. Tired of Mustang's constant rebuke,
and with nothing substantial to show for his Assessment, Ed
comes up with a solution to settle both problems: Challenge
the Colonel to a duel, but has Ed met his match?
Right Hand is actually the first episode of Season 2.
There is a new opening title sequence and song (although,
I must admit that I prefer the original theme). Ed and Al
meet Doctor Marcoh who reveals that he can help them find
the Philosopher's Stone. However, Brigadier Basque Gran arrives
and arrests the doctor for desertion during the Eastern War.
Ed chases after the General's car, determined not to let him
get away with another cover up, but the car is stopped by
the sudden appearance of the Scarred Man.
this episode we learn a lot more about the Scarred Man (or
Scar for short) and why he has been slaughtering state alchemists.
His reasons seemed more than a little flawed (and I was about
to send off an e-mail to our very only Johnny Fanboy on the
subject) when it was explained that the Scarred Man very cleverly
exploits a loophole in order to get away with his killings.
are also plenty of laugh out loud moments in this episode,
including Ed loosing his temper when he is described as the
"Full Metal pip-squeak."
The Ishbal Massacre the Strong Arm Alchemist (Armstrong)
holds off Scar, and he realises that the killer is from Ishbal.
Meanwhile, as Ed, Al and Doctor Marcoh make their way through
the village, the Doctor recounts his experiences during the
Ishbal rebellion - when he and the other State Alchemists
were ordered to level the entire city using the Red Stones.
is a great scene in this episode where Flame attempts to stop
Scar... that is, until it's pointed out to him that he can't
use his powers in the rain - wet gloves mean that no spark
can be created when Flame clicks his fingers.
Which is Lost sees Ed and Al returning to Risembool after
being damaged in battle. They arrange to meet Winry, but a
mix-up occurs and Al is accidentally removed from the train.
With the two brothers separated their quest is becoming almost
episode has plenty of comical moments as Al is stolen by a
young boy who wants to beat up his enemies. Unaware that Al
is anything but a broken suit of armour, this boy ends up
chatting to what he believes is a new toy - a talking suit
of armour.
speech about abilities being passed down the Armstrong family
for generations is also becoming something of a running joke.
It seems everything he does is thanks to the hard work of
generations of Armstrong's.
include L'ach-en-ciel's music video Ready, Steady, Go;
textless opening and closing title sequences and production
art galleries.
entertaining collection.

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