Rakka is a Haibane, an angelic like creature, who has fallen
from the sky into a walled town where the humans coexist with
the Haibane. Bereft of her memory Rakka wonders just who are
the Haibane, where did she come from and just what is going
to happen?...
Renmei: Day of Flight is the fourth and last disc in the
series, covering episodes eleven to thirteen, all with their
usual long and confusing titles.
episode eleven, Parting, Darkness in the Heart, Irreplaceable
Thing, Rakka travels into town where she hears some disturbing
things about her friend Reki. Reki's day of flight has not
yet come and if it does not happen she will remain in the
darkness forever. If Rakka cannot help her she will loose
her wings and will have to move away from the Haibane and
humans to die alone. Rakka has only till the end of winter
to help her friend, but it's not always easy to save someone
who does not want to save themselves.
Another slice of ethereal anime for those who like to take
their time with the story, with only two more episodes to
go I'm no nearer to working out what's going on. That doesn't
stop this being one of the more beautiful anime series that
I have seen.
In Bell Nuts, Passing of the Year, Reconciliation, the
Haibane must go to the market to buy some bell nuts which
they need for their passing of the year ceremony. Reki gives
bell nuts to two of the Haibane who she had hurt many years
ago; she becomes increasingly isolated making it difficult
for Rakka to help her, seemingly intent on embracing the coming
darkness. Rakka goes to the dude with the toilet seat face
and discovers that all Haibane have two names Rakka's present
name means To Fall, but she discovers that her true name is
Involved Nut (well I could have told her that from watching
the show). Rakka is given a box containing Reki's true name
- and no, it isn't Clinically Depressed Nut, but it should
have been.
one episode to go and still the light of understanding fails
to shine its rays on me. I get the whole idea of the redemption
of sin and that forgiveness comes from others and not yourself.
Maybe, having grown up in a predominantly Christian country,
I'm missing a lot of Zen references here and imposing my own
cultural view point, though I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't
have made the Haibane look so much like angels for purely
artistic reasons.
we at last come to the last in the series with a fervent hope
that someone will stand up and explain the whole thing. In
Reki's World, Prayer, Epilogue, Reki finally leaves
the town to follow her destiny into the darkness as an unforgiven
Haibane, followed by Rakka. Reki shows her dream room to Rakka
(looks more like a nightmare to me) and things take a decidedly
downward turn for the girl's relationship. But of course things
work out just fine, except for me, I still have no idea after
watching the series just who the Haibane are, or really what
the hell is going on.
we turn to the generous extras on this disc we find an extremely
interesting interview with the creator and producer of the
show where the interviewer asks many interesting questions
except WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ABOUT. Ah well, maybe in the
end I liked it for the same reason that I like Lost,
always interesting without spoon feeding you the answers.
remains a beautiful, thoughtful and engaging series; ok, there
are some very strange characters in there, especially the
dude with the toilet seat on his face. It's well worth adding
to any self respecting anime collection.
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