it's a fake promissory note or an empty wallet, a variety of
challenges face Mugen, Jin and Fuu in their struggle to survive.
No legendary monsters, murderers or never-ending rain can shake
their iron will and confidence! Then Mugen and Jin find Fuu's
Beatbox Bandits (Evil Mountain Spirits), Mugen, Jin and
Fuu purchase some travel passes from a street seller in order
to cross the border. These turn out to be fake, resulting
in our three heroes being sentenced to death for trying to
illegally cross the border. But at the last minute the guards
decide to spare their lives if one of them will run an errand
for them. Mugen is chosen to travel through a forest full
of dangerous bandits to deliver a head in a sack. If he doesn't
return, mission accomplished, by sunset then Jin and Fuu will
be executed.
episode is rather bizarre. Why on earth the guards want a
head delivering to another place is anyone's guess - in fact
I think I'd rather not know. I loved the way that every time
Mugen was faced with danger, back at the border Fuu would
exclaim: "Do you think..." and then go onto guess
correctly why Mugen was being delayed. The conclusion is comical,
but very odd.
Lunacy (Fight Fire With Fire): Mugen faces the lethal
challenge of a Shaolin-trained swordsman and proves equal
to the test, while Jin gets stuck doing all the housework.
Can Mugen defeat this trained swordsman or will he suffer
from his mistakes?
who is the mysterious killer who has decided to start killing
all of the greatest Samurai? And just what does the old Zen
priest, who has taken pity on our heroes, know about him?
Mugen eventually meets the killer and challenges him. But
how can he win against this master of magic?
Gamblers and Gallantry (Fallen Angel), Jin comes to
the rescue of a lady in distress. He falls in love and tries
to rescue his women from the hard life she has come to face.
Will he save her and himself?
two episodes that were centred around Mugen, it's refreshing
to have a Jin based episode. Jin falls for a woman who is
about to be sold into prostitution (in order to pay off the
debts her husband has managed to acquire through gambling).
This is a rather touching tale... thankfully, to lighten it
up a little, there is a side story that revolves around Mugen
and his attempts to train his sumo wrestling beetle. We also
discover that Fuu has rather a soft spot for Jin.
Disorder Diaries (Learning From the Past): Jin and Mugen
read through Fuu's diary and find out that she hasn't been
telling them what they need to know.
episode is about as close to a "clips show" as you're
ever likely to see in Japanese anime. As I am new to this
series, this episode was very welcomed - as it explained how
our three heroes originally crossed paths and why they are
now travelling from place to place. However, it never explained
exactly why they are hunting for the Samurai who smells of
are very poor. We are only offered some trailers and DVD credits.
is an enjoyable series and one that isn't that difficult to
get up to speed with. And, once you've watched one episode
you'll be hooked.

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