A secret society's conjured up the spirit of an ancient demon,
and they mean to set it loose on Meg. And if that's not enough,
a dangerous giant bird preys on young girls and snatches up
Meg before Jo's very eyes! A secret weapon injected into Kyo
raises the stakes for Sei, and a deal to save Meg leaves Jo
hanging in the balance. With traps and the authorities lurking
behind every corner will Jo be able to save Meg this time?
Or will the Crow Monster take Meg and Kyo down with it...?
2 of
Burst Angel takes up the action where Volume
1 left off.
episode 5, Mansion Where Lurks the Demon, Meg goes
undercover at an all girls' school to investigate the strange
case of a young student's descent into insanity. Is the school
harbouring a secret Babylonian society or is the girl just
the victim of a bad dream?
episode has some great humour - mainly revolving around Meg
and the awful food the school serves up. Meg is trying to
get into the exclusive Ishtar Club that seems to be at the
bottom of the school's problems. On her introduction to the
secret society she blows it. Later that night she lays in
bed contemplating her dilemma... but not for long, as she's
managed to sneak some sweets back to her dormitory.
gets so fed up with the dire food she has to eat that on her
nightly radio communication with her team mates she threatens
to walk if she can't get any decent provisions. Enter Kyo
with a range of delicious foods. However, Meg can hardly keep
any of it down, as poor Kyo has had to dress as a schoolgirl
in case he is spotted.
this Garden with Blood - Meg has discovered that something
sinister is indeed going on at the school. It's too big for
her to handle on her own, so Jo is sent in as backup. A secret
society has conjured the spirit of an ancient demon and it
has its sights set on Meg. Can Jo break the curse before Meg
becomes another helpless victim?
start of this episode has an explanatory introduction which
I thought would have been more useful if it had been included
on the previous episode. Otherwise, this is a great conclusion
to the story.
Black Sky, a giant mechanical crow is abducting young
girls on the streets of Tokyo. When it flies off with Kyo's
friend, the Angels set about tracking the monster down. Things
don't go quite as planned and Meg is snatched by the giant
robot. Coincidence is stretched to breaking point when the
crow also attacks someone that the Angel's are currently employed
to protect. It soon becomes apparent that whoever is behind
the bird attacks is carefully choosing his victims. This time
he is after a secret weapon of nanobots that are housed in
a syringe. When this is injected into Kyo all hell breaks
lose. If they save Kyo then Meg will die, but if they hand
over Kyo then he will die. Jo kidnaps Kyo and goes against
Kei's, her boss, express orders. Can Jo keep them both alive,
and will she have a job to come back to if she is successful?
Wounded Outlaw sees Joe and Kyo still on the run in the
Tokyo. Sei is hot on their trail with traps and cops every
where they turn. Jo and Kyo have to get to Tokyo Tower before
they run out of time.
episode also sees a switch over to computer CGI for the impressive
crow attack segments.
are pretty impressive for this release too. We get an audio
commentary (on the episode The Wounded Outlaw) with
the voice director and cast of the USA soundtrack - there's
a particularly funny bit of banter about the problems of finding
loyal henchmen; radio sketches; textless opening and closing
titles; and trailers.
you haven't experienced Japanese animation yet then I can
heartily recommend Burst Angel. Entertaining, funny
and well written - what more could you want?

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