Police Detective Cho is under investigation by Internal Affairs
after money covering his sick mother's considerable medical
expenses is paid into his account by a criminal. Rather than
being suspended pending an investigation, Cho finds himself
heading a team attempting to solve a number of gristly serial
killings. Black sacks are being discovered around the city
of Seoul which contain body parts that don't match. Cho learns
there is a pattern to the discoveries. Another, more significant,
clue leads him to a female museum curator who has dated all
of the victims, and he is forced to protect her in his own
house as the killer appears to draw closer...
Korean release from Tartan Asia Extreme is essentially a police
investigation which could sit comfortably on any terrestrial
station if it wasn't for the gruesome body parts and the general
short-sightedness shown for subtitled films. In other words,
in wouldn't look out of place on late night Channel 4. It
is only a horror in the loosest sense, having much more the
feel of a police procedural.
That doesn't mean Tell Me Something is not entertaining.
I enjoyed the fast pace, particularly in the first third of
the film, and the characters of Cho and his right-hand man
are suitably chalk and cheese but share a strong working bond.
The calm, straight-talking boss and his older ever-eating
sensitive slob of a sidekick.
I must admit to having identified the perpetrator pretty early
on in the film, but it didn't spoil my enjoyment because the
running-time seemed to ebb away as quickly as a lunch break.
The film tag line ("Some Crimes Are Best Left Unsolved")
is just simply crazy. Where's the justification of giving
the end away before the film has even started?! The nonsensical
reaction of Cho when he realises he's been duped is choosing
to end the plot with the protagonist acting out of character
for the first time. Rolling around on the floor in anguish
is apparently preferable to stopping a plane leaving the country;
watch the conclusion and you'll understand what I'm blathering
on about. Also, Cho is told by his chief that he is under
investigation, but if he solves this case it could get him
off the hook. Is this how they do things in Korea? I doubt
an enjoyable viewing experience if you can ignore the holes.

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