The Atlantis team discover a large Ancient ship called Aurora.
When they board it they soon discover that the Ancient crew
are all still alive in suspended animation pods...
sees Sheppard having to climb into one of the free suspended
animation pods aboard an Ancient warship in order to talk
to the crew. Unfortunately the crew have been in suspended
animation for so long that they have all become incredibly
old (it appears that in suspended animation you do still age,
but very slowly). The Atlantis team can't revive all the crew,
nor can they successfully get them back to Atlantis and work
out what to do with them. And then, to add to the problems,
Wraith ships are detected closing in on their position.
episode is not a million miles away from the SG-1 episode
It also very nearly
broke the sci-fi cliché when suspended animation pods
are used. It must be an unwritten law that whenever a stasis
chamber is used to transport people long distances something
always goes wrong for at least one unsuspecting crew member
(See Planet
of the Apes, Star Trek: The Next Generation's
The Neutral Zone and Star Trek: Voyager's The
Thaw as just a few examples).
it's a malfunction, a cracked canopy or some other problem,
and this episode looked like that wasn't going to be an issue.
boarding the Aurora it is confirmed that all of the
pods are functioning perfectly (even if all of the crew of
Ancients have become... er... ancient as they have very slowly
aged over the thousands of years they have been in suspended
animation) but then we discover that one of the crew was not
so lucky. And to prove it we have a skeleton lying around.
To be fair though, this is used as a plot device that makes
much more sense than the usual shock "Oh! No! Technology
let us down" plot twist.
audio commentary for this episode is amusing - with Peter
DeLuise warning us to never trust the long hairs.

team are kidnapped while on an away mission. Their captors
take them to another planet where we soon discover that Lieutenant
Ford is still alive and wants his old colleagues to help him
in a mission to destroy a Wraith Hive ship...
Lost Boys sees the welcome return of Rainbow Sun Francks
as Lieutenant Ford - it really was a shame that he was cut
from the main cast as he's a really talented actor. The story
is made all the move entertaining due to the fact that Ford
actually believes that he is still one of the good guys -
and he has a plan to prove to his old colleagues that his
way will work.
episode also sees yet another alien name that is a total rip-off
from elsewhere - the Genii. When spoken, this sounds so much
like "Jedi" that you'll be forgiven for thinking
that's what they are called. This follows on from Garek in
Stargate: SG-1 (like Garak the Cardassian tailor in
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) and Ka'lel (Superman)
who is one of the Jaffa council members in SG-1.
also has the most interesting audio commentary - with input
from the episode's writer Martin Gero, David Hewlett and Joe
Flanigan. They also call up one of the guest actors for his
input, and we learn that in one shot Rachel Luttrell actually
punched Jason Momoa unintentionally.
good, solid episode which ends on a satisfying cliff-hanger.
Ford and the Atlantis team are held prisoners in the Wraith
Hive ship. The only person who can save them is McKay, if
he can just work out a way to give Ford's guards the slip
and get back to Atlantis...
Hive is a fairly meaty conclusion to the previous episode.
There are some great scenes with McKay, including his retelling
of a story where he actually beat up two guys that were bigger
than him. And Sheppard uses his wits to get out of a difficult
situation and place a seed of doubt in the queen Wraith's
mind about who she can trust.
Wood, the director of this episode, manages to get through
the audio commentary on his own divulging plenty of secrets
- including mistakes with the lighting and how they cheated
when using the Wraith prison doors.
satisfying conclusion to this two-parter.

While on an away mission Sheppard steps through a portal
to another world. McKay soon realises that time on the other
side is moving at an accelerated speed. The race is on to
find a way to rescue Sheppard before time runs out...
may be a little clichéd, but I really enjoyed it. The
story is not unlike SG-1's Season
Three episode A
Hundred Days. Although, this time our stranded
crew member (Sheppard instead of O'Neill) isn't really there
long enough to form any real bonds with the race he encounters.
Sure, he starts to fall for a woman, but before he's even
gotten the chance to hold her hand he is rescued. I don't
think that's spoiling too much as you know that at the end
of the episode everything will go back to the way it was.
audio commentary is a little dull - mainly due to the fact
that the director, Neil Fearnly, only speaks every now and
then. This is a shame, because when he does talk he has some
interesting information to impart.

As well as the audio commentary on each episode, extras also
include Profile on David Hewlett (21 minute featurette
on Hewlett - well worth watching to see him goofing about.
And I loved the section on torturing him); Photo and Production
Design Gallery; and trailers for other releases.
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