Within the gangster mafia organisation Milennion two childhood
friends Harry and Brandon must fight to survive. Harry fights
to control the organisation while Brandon becomes one of their
best hitmen. But ties of friendship cannot stop Harry's insane
ambition and in a show down Harry kills Brandon. Now, Brandon
has come back from the dead to destroy the organisation he
once worked for and to exact the ultimate revenge by killing
six of Gungrave,
directed by Toshiyuki Tsuru, has only three episodes this
time, the last three will presumably appear on disc seven.
The DVD contains episodes twenty-one to twenty-three and picks
up where the last disc left off. Harry is now in control of
the gang and trying to wipe out any traces of Big Daddy's
reign - including his daughter Mika, who fortunately is under
the protection of the resurrected Brandon now known as Beyond
the Grave, or Grave to his friends, of which he has few.
Episode twenty-one, Duty, finds Mika and Brandon taking
refuge with Rich and Gary. With revenge still uppermost in
Brandon's mind he stashes Mika with the boys before setting
off to kick some arse. But as they say the best laid plans
often go wrong and Brandon's use of Gary's car leads the Organisation
and Lee straight to Mika. It's a bit of a so so episode and
feels like the story is being spread a little too thin. On
the one hand this is understandable as the obligatory fight
scenes cuts down the available time for exposition, though
even some of that is a bit odd. The discovery that Big Daddy
set up a violent criminal organisation in order to protect
his friends and loved ones strikes me as logically flawed
and morally repugnant.
Twenty-two, Remorse, finds Mika in the clutches of
Lee and Harry, not a good situation for anyone to find themselves
in; especially when Lee reveals that she is merely bait, bait
that will be gutted in front of Brandon before Lee kills him.
OK, so with Lee and 150 Orgmen after Brandon another fight
is on, but can Brandon save Mika before Lee guts her? After
the disappointing previous episode it's nice to see the show
back on track with its trademarked ultra violence. The protracted
fight scene between Brandon and Lee is most exhilarating,
full of pumping 5.1 music and an excellently maniacal Lee.
Mika continues, unfortunately, to be the weaker character
spending most of her time either standing around with her
mouth open or interrupting the fight scenes with her chat.
the last episode on the disc is episode Twenty-three, Daughter,
and Harry is starting to have problems of his own. With dissent
in the ranks it's time for a little house cleaning, Orgman
style, very violent, very Godfather. Meanwhile, Bear
gets all testosterone poisoned and decides to take on Brandon
one-on-one, never a good idea. It's an interesting final episode,
on the penultimate disc, which demonstrates Harry's gradual
loss of power over the Organisation, even with the Orgmen
to back him up. With pressure from within and without can
Harry stay in power long enough to kill Brandon?
on the disc is the same as before with Japanese stereo or
DTS, with subtitles or signs only, or the very acceptable
English 5.1. Extras on anime releases continue to remain few
and far between, but then they do not sell in enough units
to provide the revenue for extensive extras. What you do get
is fourteen pieces of production art, a selection of trailer
for other anime shows and the DVD credits.
show seems to be loosing a little of its quality in this disc,
with some very strange animated characters who appear to have
pin heads on huge bodies. Whilst, it may have been an artistic
choice rather than a financial one, it's odd to have had such
a change so late in the series.

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