Jin separates from Mugen and Fuu to travel with a beautiful
and mysterious blind girl named Sara. But when Sara starts
a brutal sword fight with Jin, he learns about her true identity...
she is a ruthless assassin. Saddened, Jin rejoins Mugen and
Fuu on their next adventure - working 24/7 at an excavation
site with other miners in search of Heike's buried treasure.
Suspicious, Fuu follows the leader, and finds herself suddenly
surrounded by zombies. Then, Mugen's baseball skills are discovered
and all three are forced into Kagemaru's training camp. Now
they must compete in a high-stakes baseball game... against
an American team...
Of Entrapment (Verse 2): Jin
learns the Way of Water, a woman's sorrow comes to an end,
and Mugen both gives and receives an assassin's last gift.
This episode also sees the inclusion of a mad old man who
saves Jin from certain death. He then sets about teasing him
and there is a great scene where the old man tries to show
Jin how to catch a fish. We also find out who employed the
blind assassin.
Collisions: On
the way to Nagasaki our heroes eat some wild mushrooms and
then fall though the earth. They end up in a place where the
general population is made up of slaves who are mining for
treasure. Mugen, Jin and Fuu end up working for the owner
of the mine for a share of the treasure. As the days drag
on Fuu discovers that they are becoming more and more like
the other workers who mindlessly go about their chores. This
episode has plenty of amusing moments - especially towards
the end where Jin discovers something that rocks the miners'
world. The very last scene is extremely touching.
Blues: A fleet of American ships sail into town. They
want to trade with the locals, but they are not interested.
The American's tell them if they will not play ball then they
must prepare for war - which in this case is a game of baseball.
This episode opens with Mugen accidentally discovering he
has a mean pitching hand. Our heroes are at a restaurant when
they discover that Mugen has ordered an expensive meal. Jin
and Fuu are a little worried as to how they are going to pay.
Mugen tells them not to worry - he has it all under control.
Then he does a runner. The restaurant
owner gives chase and one of his boys throws a baseball at
Mugen, knocking him down. Enraged, Mugen throws the ball back
with incredible force. Captured, the locals force Mugen to
play in their baseball team against the Americans. But as
his team slowly drop out one by one, Mugen soon must stand
against the mighty Americans alone.
are incredibly lacking with only Conceptual Art and
Trailer on offer. Sadly, the next DVD in this series
will be the last. Lets hope that they don't leave everything
hanging in mid air.

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