The Parisian Chief of Police is about to retire and what he
most wants, as a last trophy, is the capture and conviction
of an anonymous and violent biker gang. Whoever gets the gang
gets his position. This simple proposition fuels a ruthless
and brutal clash between Leo Vrinks and Denis Klien, two policemen
who were once partners and now due to an incident in their
past have nothing but hatred and animosity between them. As
the competition intensifies so does their hatred for each
other, corrupting their own personal morality and leading
to inevitable tragedy...
(2004) was directed by Olivier Marchal from a screenplay
by Marchal and Julien Rappeneau and was nominated for a number
of awards. To be honest, given the films superior quality,
I was surprised to find that it hadn't won a single one. Both
the script and the direction are flawless. The score, by Erwann
Kermorvant and Axelle Renoir, cleverly avoids the usual heart
pounding overblown edifice that one has come to expect from
a thriller, for a more understated brooding piece that increases
the tension beyond what most people could stand.
the actors' performances cannot be faulted the film really
comes down to the relationship between Vrinks, played by the
ever watchable Daniel Auteuil, and Klien, played by Gérard
Depardieu. Being a great fan of both these men's work, I settled
down expecting a real treat and in the end I wasn't the least
bit disappointed. Power, passion and hatred positively ooze
from them and in the scenes which they share together you
could cut the air with a baguette. Special note should go
to Valeria Golino, who plays Vrinks wife and Kliens ex-wife,
not only is this actress great in both French and American
films, she is just so beautiful. Just one look and you can
see why both men would fight to the death for her.
with any great thriller the film is full of unexpected plot
twists, which don't let up until the last frame. Apart from
the men's personal lives, which they try and keep separate
from their work, their outlook and methods do not distinguish
them much from the criminals which they are chasing. The only
character which seems to have any moral qualms about what
is happening is, not surprisingly, one of Vrinks female underlings
- Verhagen, played by Catherine Marchal. I say that not to
be sexist, Marchal seems to view all the male protagonists
as so testosterone poisoned that it has affected their ability
to make moral judgements in their work. Like the wives at
home it is only the female perspective that seems to be able
to distinguish between right and wrong.
As a small aside, according to the director, himself an ex-cop,
everything in the film is true except for the last half hour,
which was changed to give an ending which allowed for the
possibility of hope and redemption.
is a good set of audio options; French stereo, 5.1 and DTS,
with subtitles, as well as an English dub. The dub version
does an adequate job, but can't compare to the sheer power
and authenticity that Auteuil and Depardieu bring to their
roles. Listening to the dub is like listening to my impression
of Cary Grant: you know you should get the voice but you just
can't seem to place any well known actors which sound like
a Welshman with a cold.
extras are not bad, consisting of four featurettes, the usual
Making Of (a meaty 27 mins), one on weapons (13 mins),
and another on costume (14 mins) and an interview with the
director (9 mins). You also get the original feature trailer
and the inevitable set of trailers for other films.
Without reservation, this has got to be not only the best
French thriller I've ever seen in a long long time, but is
more than equal to Michael Mann's Heat (1995). If you
have to watch it in the dubbed version it's still a good film
but in the original French it is little short of spectacular.
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