Buried beneath the Earths crust the forgotten and dying city
of Lux continues to be controlled by the four warring gangs.
Joining with the Class, the Organo, the Racan or the Union
brings immediate benefits of power and prosperity, whilst
the rest of the city wallows in abject poverty. Only the Texhnolyze
process seems to offer any help by merging humans with their
prosthetic cybernetic limbs. In the dark dystopian city, death
and dark forebodings are never far behind you...
those of you who have followed this deeply rich series the
good and bad news is that this is the last disc in the series.
Good, because maybe some of the long standing questions will
be answered and bad because it means the end of one of the
most remarkable and mature anime shows on offer.
Rogue 20, Hades, and Ichise is still on the surface
world, a world waiting for death, It would seem that when
the human race confined its darkest side underground it also
lost something vital. A vanguard of soldiers invade the surface
world, only to be stopped by Ichise, the railway tunnel is
destroyed and the only access to the underground city of Luxuss
is by the air shaft.
In Rogue 21, Encephalopathy, Ichise finally makes it
home and finds that the city has turned mad. This is the one
in which everybody starts to die as the inhabitants turn on
each other. I don't think that it is a random visual image
that as Ichise descends into the city that things get worse
- rather it's a clear reference to Dante's circles of hell.
In a very real way the city has descended into hell and its
inhabitants are cursed.
22, Myth, and we have a quick recap of Onishi trying
to destroy the obelisk at Ran's behest as it is the only thing
standing and, as Ran explains, the reason for the violence
gripping the city. Ichise goes berserk, killing the group
that had killed Onishi, after his Texhnolyzed limbs start
to work again. He confronts Kano, who explains that he created
everything, but after Kano kills Ran Ichise no longer cares
and kills Kano. For the first time Ichise smiles as he closes
his eyes and follows the world into death. And there was me
thinking that it was all happening in Ichise's head.
the extras front we get the alternative dialogue outtakes,
always worth one look as they are pretty funny, but to honest
they are a watch once deal. They have also thrown in the Japanese
series ending and a textless series ending, as well as a bunch
of trailers.
is Japanese or English stereo with optional subtitles, but
the mix remains good so that you don't really miss a 5.1 offering.
As always the show is very crisp and an artistic delight to
that the show had to end but hopefully we will see a box set
of the series in the near future.

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