In the moving series finale, Mugen, Jin and Fuu close in on
Ikitsuki Island. Although the journey's been long and difficult,
there is strong bonding between them. In the final stretch
of their adventures, Sara had died and the government sends
their ultimate assassin to hunt them down. Meanwhile, three
brothers who have a serious beef with Mugen take Fuu hostage.
When she's freed, Fuu finally gets to see the infamous Sunflower
Samurai. All the struggle, strife and butt-kicking leads up
to the most dangerous moment yet in their journey...
so we come to the final volume in the Samurai Champloo
Evanescent Encounter - Part 1 Fuu,
Mugen and Jin have at long last arrived in Nagasaki. All they
have to do now is travel to Ikitsuki island and find the samurai
that smells of Sunflowers. Then, at long last their quest
will be over. However, a few hurdles are still to be over
come. Firstly, no one will tell them where to go and, more
worryingly, a group of deranged assassins have been tracking
Encounter - Part 1 sees Jin facing off against
Kagetoki Kariya, the shogunate's most powerful warrior. Meanwhile
Mugen is up against the three brothers who have been tracking
our heroes, and Fuu finally reaches the house where her quest
will end.
Encounter - Part 3: As Fuu finally confronts the Sunflower
Samurai, Mugen and Jin fight for their lives. There chance
of survival looks poor, but even if they do manage to win
against all the odds they've still made a pact to fight each
other to the death. All looks bleak for our heroes.
a shame that more humour wasn't injected into the final three
episodes. I know that the story arc here centres around action
sequences, and Fuu's final confrontation with the samurai
that smells of sunflowers, but I could help feeling that the
episodes were a little too dry. Having said that, this is
still a fine ending to what has been a fairly enjoyable series.
are a little thin on the ground. All we get is a USA Video
Game Trailer; Art Gallery; Eye Catch Gallery
and trailers for other releases.

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