Test your knowledge of conundrums, visit the dictionary corner
and get nifty with numbers. The Countdown Quiz is presented
by Carol Vorderman and Des Lynam, following the same format
as the TV show. With over 300 rounds, players can compete
against each other using their knowledge of words and numbers.
Countdown interactive DVD is about as close to being
a guest on the TV show as most people are ever likely to get.
For me that's a good thing as I am totally useless at it and
don't really fancy parading my ignorance in front of millions
of people.
game plays identically to the TV show. You get the same number
of rounds and it can be played with between 1-4 players (or
teams). As the letters, or numbers, are called out you'll
need to write them down as they don't appear on screen while
the Countdown clock is ticking down.
can either play a standard TV show game, or just go for a
shorter Conundrum round (in which you have to try and figure
out five anagram conundrums). Both games are well designed
and, of the 20+ games we played, only one letters game was
repeated, but to be honest that's not a whole big problem
like it can be with some of these interactive DVDs. With the
Countdown game it's not really all that easy to remember
what the top scoring letters where for a round you've already
played. Although, if the Conundrum round is repeated too often
this could become annoying.
the end of the day, this release works incredibly well. If
you usually shout at the screen whilst watching the TV show,
then this interactive DVD is the perfect item for you and
your family.

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All prices correct at time of going to press.