A TV show producer is given permission to follow a police
detective as he investigates a series of bizarre deaths of
women. In a nightclub, they witness the collapse and death
of a woman whose abdomen suddenly distends. Several of the
victims had talked about witnessing their own death before
it happened. The pair eventually discover that all the victims
had visited a website known as the "White Room". When the
woman producer visits the site herself, out of curiosity,
she is suddenly thrown into a fifteen day countdown to her
own death. Drawn to an apartment, she is plagued by visions
and strange noises as an unborn curse takes hold...
have to say that, given Tartan Extreme's track record of generally
high quality horror releases from East Asia, I'm disappointed
with Unborn But Forgotten. As the press release suggests,
there are indeed nods to The
Ring and Feardot.Com
- and I would venture to add The Eye 2 to that list
- but this film is not even in the same league as The Ring
in terms of style and content. It's simply far too slow, there
are no creepy moments or outright frights, and the acting
is so blasé that there's no compunction to sympathise
with any of the characters.
I fail to understand why this film requires an adult classification
of 18, when very little happens, and even then it's so fleeting
that it serves no purpose.
I regret being so negative here, because this is the kind
of film I usually enjoy, it's just that this example is significantly
removed from the usual high standard.
include a one-hour On the Set featurette, and the original
Korean trailer.

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