BloodRayne is a dhampir, born from the unnatural union of
vampire and human. Blessed with the powers of a vampire but
cursed with the unquenchable thirst for blood and a weakness
to sunlight, Rayne is challenged with her most personal battle
yet. Now she's stalking her own flesh and blood through the
city under siege. Her malicious siblings have united to create
a new era of vampire supremacy. Only Rayne stands between
an unsuspecting humanity and a horrifying vampire dawn...
we last saw BloodRayne in 1935, she joined forces with the
shadowy Brimstone Society to destroy a supernatural Nazi bid
for dominance. Her father, Kagan, an influential Nazi collaborator,
was killed in an accident at the close of the War. Cheated
of killing Kagan herself, Rayne has spent the last sixty years
ferreting out and destroying his many offspring, her siblings.
They have banded together and formed the Cult of Kagan, pledging
to carry on his legacy of creating a new era of vampire supremacy
where humans are mere cattle for the bloodthirsty predators
that hunt them.
nefarious siblings have created "The Shroud," a mysterious
substance which, when released, renders the sun's lethal rays
harmless to vampires and twists nature into a nightmarish
perversion. Now only BloodRayne stands between an unsuspecting
humanity and a horrifying vampire dawn.
what's fresh here? Well, you now have new acrobatic action
on poles and rails as well as an advanced melee combat for
deeper, more precise fighting with more than 30 combos including
high, mid and low attacks, kick and jump combos, evasive combos
and special over-the-top moves.
New devastating powers include Blood Fury, Ghost Feed and
Blood Storm and the revamped (no pun intended) aura vision
serves a more integral role in the game play. New "blood weapons"
eliminate the tired ammo hunt and add an extra layer of strategy
to gunfights. Harpoon also has new functionality: BloodRayne
can pull environmental objects down on attackers and use the
harpoon to stab and throw enemies into objects.
things first. This is one beautiful looking game. It's fast
action all the way. However, it's
a little too monotonous to hold the interest of most hardened
gamers. And that's a real shame, because the developers have
packed a heap of fantastic features into this game to make
it look and feel the business. Offing bad guys time and again
with little variety soon has you reaching for the off button
- especially when you are transported way back to an earlier
segment when you die.
harpooning bad guys and throwing them across the room is all
fun and games to start with, it some becomes a bit too repetitive.
Even the introduction of the blood weapons (where you fill
up on your victims blood to increase your ammo) soon ceases
to impress. Actually, it's doubtful that you'll make much
use of the early blood weapons, as the harpoon seemed to be
the most effective killing tool.
also had issues with the camera. On occasion it won't allow
you to view the whole gaming area - which is problematic.
And on other occasions, most notably when in confined areas,
the camera's vision can be obscured by an object.
the end of the day this is a nice looking game (although we
noticed that the locations had a habit of being reused, which
was a little disorienting) which will keep most gamers happy.
It's just a shame there wasn't more to do than just kill and
kill some more.
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