Poor King Trode has been turned into a troll, his daughter
Princess Medea into a horse and his subjects into brambles.
His kingdom, Trodain, is frozen in time. The story begins
as you, the hero (one of the King's guards), and your eccentric
band - King Trode, the Princess and a reformed bandit named
Yangus - arrive at the town of Farebury in search of an evil
jester named Dhoulmagus. He is the madman responsible for
stealing a forbidden sceptre from King Trode's castle and
cursing the whole kingdom. Now he roams the land killing innocent
victims. United by a common goal, characters Jessica and Angelo
join the party on a quest to bring the devilish Dhoulmagus
to justice...
Quest: The Journey of the Cursed King
is one of the slickest, well designed RPG offerings we've
seen in a long time.
game is based around characters and stories created by Akira
Toriyama (who those in the know will instantly recognise as
the creator of Dragon Ball Z). The
animation of the graphics are smooth and well detailed, and
I have to say some of the best I've seen in an RPG game. It's
almost like starring in your own anime.
elements like saving your progress have been given careful
consideration. You must seek out a monastery in order to save
your game, and when you die or reload your game, you start
off in the last monastery you saved in. Enter the monastery
at night and it will be a different person who will be there
to greet you and hear your confession than the priest that
is there for the sinners who want to pop in during daylight
are some slight problems though. For starters, while the environment
you can explore is vast, it would have been nice if there
was a little more to do in the majority of the locations.
Also, it can be annoying when you loose your life, as you
have to trek a long way to get back to where you left off.
Although, to be fair, this is not always the case, as you
can quickly zip to important areas once you've been there
Another element worthy of note is Koichi Sugiyama soundtrack.
At times this does seem a little out of place, but for the
majority of the scenes it greatly enhances the playing experience.
I particularly loved the little organ music jingle as you
save your game - nice touch.
the end of the day this is a fantastic game that will have
you hooked for a very long time. If you are new to this genre,
then this game will have you wanting to check out more of
the same. And if you are a seasoned RPG fan, there are plenty
of elements here to make you realise that you haven't seen
it all before.
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All prices correct at time of going to press.